A very thoughtful piece Rome, I have always disliked the man, but the pitchforks and lighted brands from the MSM is deeply distasteful.

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Spell check deadnamed you Romy...

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Good, but the Oxford culture that you have described as that of the elitist academic 'gown', which doesn't represent the students at Brookes Uni (formerly the Poly), let alone that of the 'town', the other people who make up the majority of the city's population.

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First off, there won't be any real police investigation. There's no evidence, it's all hearsay and verbal and historic (speaking from my own knowledge of this area). Secondly, apart from with "Nadia" in the States, he's done nothing illegal. These women consented. They went willingly to bed with a heroine addicted alcoholic sex addict. And expected what? Moonlight and roses? Happy ever after? They are now jealous of his life, and his wife and want to see him suffer. And who the hell keeps text messages for 11 years? Plus, they all kept mementoes from their dalliance with him! Yes, I watched Dispatches. I thought it was pathetic. Clutching at straws. Move on ladies, and grow up.

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