My GP tells me Covid vaccine harm is ‘not uncommon’. So why are hardly any doctors voicing public concerns?
‘Safe and effective’ in public only
‘Don’t mention the vaccine.’ My Mum was worried that I would evoke hostility in my GP if I suggested my chronic fatigue, icy hands and feet, hormone issues and newly compromised immune system were Covid vaccine related. I was worried about that too. Getting that face to face GP appointment felt like a small miracle and my number one priority was securing medical help. However I also felt strongly that I needed to raise the possibility I was suffering Covid vaccine damage. We talked about all my symptoms and I got a provisional diagnosis of Raynaud’s disease to explain the cold extremities and a referral to a chronic fatigue specialist. Then I plucked up some courage. ‘I realise this may be controversial but I think these health problems are related to the Covid vaccines, especially my Pfizer booster.’ I braced myself for the expected ‘safe and effective/extremely rare side effects etc. etc.’ Government and NHS line. Without even blinking my GP said, though her mask, ‘Oh that’s not at all controversial, in my experience that’s not uncommon. I’ve had several patients recently with similar symptoms . . . even a lady today with Raynaud’s disease, which are likely related to the boosters.’ I’m not often lost for words but I was struck silent for a while. My mother filled in for me by adding that she too felt like her immune system had been weakened by the booster. There was not a flicker of resistance or scepticism on my GP’s face. Her reaction was to nod.
Mum and I sat in the car in the surgery carpark and said the same word at the same time. ‘Wow!’ So many emotions and questions have circulated through me since that appointment. I keep hearing my doctor’s voice saying ‘not at all controversial’, ‘not uncommon.’ My GP surgery has adhered faithfully to the Government’s Covid dogma as well as their vaccine fanaticism. Being granted a face to face appointment from the first lockdown onwards only had slightly better odds than winning the lottery. However for the purposes of the Covid vaccine rollout the doors were flung open wide with doctors and nurses jabbing like they were trying to break a world record. The place still wreaks of hand sanitiser and there is still a dystopian plastic screen ‘protecting’ the often double masked receptionists. (Never mind that the resultant muffling of communication results in much shouting of private medical details). My GP surgery’s enduring eagerness to vaccinate also recently featured both in an article of mine for The Conservative Woman as well as on Mark Steyn’s GB News show. The advert urged people to support their local surgery financially by getting vaccinated there. The financial investment medical practitioners have in maintaining faith in Covid vaccines as ‘safe and effective’ is clear. Is this the main reason why GPs are staying silent even in the face of mounting daily evidence that such faith is dangerously misplaced? Are doctors being pressurised into silence by their NHS or Westminster overlords? There are so many serious and urgent questions that woefully few media platforms, except the bravely truth seeking Conservative Woman and some on GB News, are willing to even ask.
The vaccine questioning voices in the House of Commons are also rarer than the England football team scoring a penalty. Andrew Bridgen is one such rare gem. He recently delivered a formidable parliamentary speech calling out the dubious vested interests of Big Pharma and vaccine regulators. He also called for the immediate suspension of MRNA vaccines based on clear data showing safety concerns.
Health Minister Maria Caulfield’s reply was almost as jaw dropping as my GP’s causal acceptance of widespread vaccine harm. After being confronted with shocking data on vaccine harms by Andrew Bridgen she simply fell back on the word ‘safe’ like it was in itself a kind of safety blanket for her. Indeed she even stated that the Government encouraged ‘everyone’ to get boosted when offered. However the real shocker was her reference to ‘this conspiracy theory that there are a whole group of people benefitting financially from the rollout of the Covid vaccine.’
On the one hand the epic ridiculousness of this untruth is worrying. The history of politicians relying on ‘the big lie’ to brainwash the population is not a happy one, as my German grandparents taught me. However on the other hand it also smacks of desperation. The Government likely knows it can’t win the argument on the data, I.e. the facts, so it has to fall back on the emotional desire of the populace to believe in the vaccine that has been sold to them as their salvation.
It’s not just financial investment of many in the Covid vaccine that may explain GPs public silence on vaccine harm and the persistence of the ‘safe and effective’ narrative. There is huge political capital ploughed into what was grabbed as a life boat by a drowning Government. It gave them an ‘out’ from economically and increasingly political ruinous lockdowns. Being the first country to secure and widely administer Covid vaccines was the one ‘success story’ that could be used to deflect the raining arrows of criticism. There was barely a PMQs in which Boris Johnson didn’t mention the ‘world beating vaccine rollout.’ Whether Covid vaccines have saved a significant number of lives is increasingly debatable but they certain saved political careers and maintain them still. However there are also NHS reputations and careers at stake. The NHS as an institution and its workers were already widely worshipped pre pandemic, but Covid elevated them to untouchable superhero or saint status. Yet with waiting lists of deadly length for even essential treatments due to lockdowns the NHS demanded to ‘protect’ them, the halos have lost their shine. The unquestioning backing of the Covid vaccines has backed doctors into a corner. Perhaps many fear the loss of trust in their profession if they speak out about what they are seeing in their surgeries. There is also a whiff of trying to normalise these adverse vaccine reactions. Acknowledge to the patient that the vaccine has caused them harm, but it’s not worth making a fuss about it. After all, as Government ministers like Ms Caulfield love to say, even paracetamol can cause negative effects. This is ‘to be expected’ and we must just keep quiet and carry on.
The great British public has also invested in the Covid vaccines. Into the frightening darkness of lockdown came our knight in shining armour. The attraction of a ‘pill’ that claims to cure all your ills is what has kept Big Pharma raking in obscene profits for decades. A ‘simple jab’ was the holy grail to make terrified, confused people feel ‘safe’ again. As someone who has OCD I know only too well how hard it is to let go of something that makes you feel safe, however irrational and whatever evidence of its inefficacy and harm is presented to you. Politicians , doctors, nurses and ‘ordinary’ citizens all need to be brave enough to let go of their Covid vaccine safety blanket that is being proved more damaging by the day. Moreover those of us who have long acknowledged the truth of Covid vaccine damage must shout louder and ask more questions. It will be a hard fight but there is strength in knowing that we really are on the right side of history.
One of our former neighbours has just died at 54, massive blood clots, triple jabbed. Left behind a wife and young family. As you know Romy, 5 of my family have various injuries from my brother who had to have heart surgery to my hubs whose problems still have not been fully resolved. The difficulty for the government is, the rollout has gone too far. There are people out there who are on jab 5 or even 6.....who is prepared to tell those people sorry, the stuff we gave you is killing you? How do you live with that knowledge as the person who had 5 shots? As I see it, the way out (which isn't right ) is to plead poverty - jabs too costly and no longer necessary weaker variant blah blah and quietly halt the programme. But that doesn't help those already damaged, and more must be done on that score.
Not just reading, Romy but have tweeted the link and shall add you to the blogroll. Word must get out.