Another excellent thought provoking piece. Crisis isn't good for the body either, high levels of cortisol create all sorts of problems. We need to come down from this artificial high back to calm rationality. Well, some people do.
Thank you so much! You are spot on regarding the damaging impact of constant high levels of cortisol. It’s poison for the body and mind. Many psych meds actually aim to lower cortisol yet many people do appear to be embracing a state of being constantly ‘high’ on stress.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment 🙏🏽x
Another excellent thought provoking piece. Crisis isn't good for the body either, high levels of cortisol create all sorts of problems. We need to come down from this artificial high back to calm rationality. Well, some people do.
Thank you so much! You are spot on regarding the damaging impact of constant high levels of cortisol. It’s poison for the body and mind. Many psych meds actually aim to lower cortisol yet many people do appear to be embracing a state of being constantly ‘high’ on stress.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment 🙏🏽x